How well are you performing your mission? If you don’t measure what you are doing, you are just guessing. As budgets become tighter, departments must fight for scarce resources to succeed. Data can help tell your story to management, elected officials, and the public.

Local Government Solutions can help you navigate the intricate world of performance measurement. Some questions to ask your organization include:

  • Are we measuring the right things?
  • Are we measuring too many things?
  • Do our measures link to our objectives?
  • Can staff see how they effect our outcomes?
  • Do we have or need a full family of measures including:
    • Outcome
    • Efficiency
    • Effectiveness
    • Input
    • Output

We can train your staff to be experts in performance measurement, or help create the best performance measures for your organization. Click the link below to contact us and find out how we can help you.