Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Testing & Coaching

Self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, and relationship management are the four core competencies of emotional intelligence (EQ). Some call them the “soft skills,” but they are the most critical predictor of leadership achievement. Accounting for 58% of all success, the World Economic Forum named emotional intelligence the most valuable skillset in this decade.

People with high EQ understand how to manage their emotions, especially under pressure, and are better at expressing themselves, solving problems, managing stress, and relating to others. A 40-year study of PhDs at UC Berkeley found that EQ was four times more powerful than IQ when predicting success, and 90% of top-performing employees score high on EQ, compared to just 20% of low performers. Additionally, employees who have managers with high EQ are four times less likely to leave than those who have managers with low EQ.

In short, EQ equals results, higher employee engagement, better retention, and successful performance across the board. Many high performing companies, like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Nike, use emotional intelligence assessments like the EQ-i 2.0 as part of their recruitment and training processes.

We are certified in providing and coaching Emotional Intelligence through the EQ-i 2.0 assessment for both individuals and as a 360-degree review.

EQ-i 2.0 Information

Five Archetypes Assessment, Training, and Coaching

The Five Archetypes model is a tool that helps increase empathy, relationship management skills, while reducing stress. It provides transformative growth in individuals and organizational effectiveness by identifying where relationship problems are likely to occur and diffusing toxic engagement patterns before they begin. This method has been used successfully by executives and staff in companies and jurisdictions such as Tony Robbins; Microsoft; Human Rights Watch; Pierce County, Washington; Washington State; New York City Department of Education; Nassau County, FL; Dade City, FL; Sanford, FL; and the Florida League of Cities.

We provide group and individual training on the Five Archetypes model as well as coaching.