Process Improvement

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Have you ever heard your staff say, “We’ve always done it like this?” You’re not alone. One of our recent clients was having a problem with their purchasing process. We interviewed over a dozen people and no one knew why the process was set up the way it was, until we interviewed a 33 year veteran of the organization. He told us that 25 years ago, someone made a big mistake and they changed the process so it would never happen again. And, in that 25 years, no one had questioned the process or whether there was a better way to do things.

This is typical of organizational processes, and if I’m describing a situation that is making you nod your head, you’re not alone. All critical processes should be reviewed periodically to make sure they are still working for you and that you are using the most appropriate technology to save you time and money.

Local Government Solutions’ staff have performed hundreds of process improvements saving clients valuable time and money. Examples of past studies have included:

  • Reducing the time it takes to complete formal solicitation (purchasing ) processes by up to 50%.
  • Simplifying lien search processes, reducing time for completion from 7 days to 1 day and reducing the cost to the customer from $50 to $25.

We can help make your processes work for you, save your organization time and money. Click the link below to contact Local Government Solutions for more information.